
Yorkville Audiopro AP3000 Amplifier Silver

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Yorkville Audiopro AP3000 2400 Watt Amplifier.

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Good condition, everything works as it should, just serviced and cleaned at Yorkville Sound in Canada. These amps are killer and powerful!! XLR or 1/4" inputs, Banana Plug Outputs, Mono, Stereo or Bridged!

Some battle scars but a great amp, lots of life left!

All amplifiers with ratings above 1400 watts rely on the fact that the average powerrequired to reproduce music is considerably below the maximum power the amplifieris capable of providing. Some amplifiers are capable of actually delivering their ratedpower continuously, but these may consume as much as 50 amperes in doing so. Toget around this problem, many high power amplifiers are shipped with either a specialhigh current plug on the line cord or with two line cords. In practice, the user is oftenforced to find some way to connect these products to standard line outlets. Due to the lower average power required by music, this will sometimes work, but there is thepossibility that circuit breakers in the concert hall will trip in the middle of a performance.The AUDIOPRO 3000 is internally capable of delivering its rated power on a continuousbasis. However, rather than leaving the question of energy management to chance, theAUDIOPRO 3000 incorporates active energy management circuitry which continuouslymonitors the actual power consumed from the AC line. Should that exceed an averageof 12 amperes over a sustained period, the AUDIOPRO 3000 will reduce its outputpower and therefore its power consumption accordingly. The reduction required isvery small: A drop in output power of 3 dB will reduce the power consumption to below12 amperes in even the most extreme cases.continuous and compressed music driving two ohm speaker loads connected to eachchannel, the AUDIOPRO 3000 consumed less than 10 amperes on average, and theenergy management circuit was never activated. (This performance is due in largemeasure to the high efficiency of the AUDIOPRO 3000's output circuitry: Otheramplifiers draw considerably more power under identical conditions!) It is nice to knowthat an AUDIOPRO 3000 will probably never cause a nuisance trip of a breaker.The AUDIOPRO 3000 is a high efficiency amplifier which is capable of delivering agreater percentage of its input power to the speaker load than most other amplifiers.Under actual operating conditions its power conversion efficiency approaches that ofdigital switching amplifiers. However, digital switching amps are still plagued by poorspecifications and cumbersome operating constraints. The AUDIOPRO 3000 providesthe superior transient response and low distortion figures associated with the best andmost reliable analog designs.


The AUDIOPRO 3000 accepts either balanced or unbalanced inputs. Either XLR orPHONE cords may be used. XLR cords are normally used for balanced operation.However, stereo PHONE cords may also be used. Internally, the AUDIOPRO 3000inputs are simply wired in parallel: The TIP of the channel "A" PHONE input isconnected to pin 2 of its XLR input, the RING is connected to pin 3, and the SLEEVE isconnected to PIN 1.


This switch simply connects the inputs of channel "A" directly to the inputs of channel"B". A signal connected to either channel thus is routed to both amplifiers.


In large installations it is often necessary to operate many amplifiers in parallel. SeveralAUDIOPRO 3000 may be paralleled by patching from the unused input jack of the firstamp to the second amp's input, and so on down the line. The original source must driveall of the amplifiers. Eighteen AUDIOPRO 3000 channels would present a load of about600 Ohms. Any source capable of driving a 600 Ohm line to +15 dBm should be ableto drive this load with no problem.For best results, daisy chaining should be done with balanced patch cords. Groundloop hum can be eliminated by lifting the ground straps of all but the first amplifier in the chain.


Removing the ground strap on the rear panel will decouple chassis ground from circuitground.Safety ("earth") ground is still connected to the chassis. We do not recommend lifting the ground strap unless you are experiencing problems with groundloop hum in multiple amplifier setups where lifting the ground straps of all but oneamplifier cures the hum problem. Caution: Sometimes hum problems are an indicationof improper AC wiring somewhere else in your system. Don't just doctor the symptomby lifting grounds: Fix the cause by making sure that the proper electrical wiring safetyregulations have been adhered to.


Historically, bridged mode operation was a means of getting high power from mediumpower amplifiers. The AUDIOPRO 3000 delivers more power from one channel thanmost other amps deliver when fully bridged. Bridging the AUDIOPRO 3000 willreproduce music with a headroom of about 4500 Watts into a 4 ohm load! We don'tknow of any subwoofers that can handle such power. We recommend that youcarefully check the ratings of your speaker system against the power specificationslisted in this manual before you consider bridging the AUDIOPRO 3000.We have purposefully made it a little difficult to bridge the AUDIOPRO 3000. You needto construct a special crossed-phase balanced cable. If your input cable is a balancedXLR, you will need a stereo phone cable with the ring connection of one end going tothe tip of the other end, and the ring of that end going to the tip of the first end. If yourinput cable is a phone plug, then you need to make an XLR patch cord with pin 2 of oneend going to pin 3 of the other, and pin 3 of that end going to pin 2 of the first end. SeeFig, #3. Connect the special cable from channel "A" to channel "B". Connect the inputto your AUDIOPRO 3000 to channel "A". Put the STEREO/MONO switch in STEREOposition. Connect your speaker between the two RED binding posts. (The resultingphase polarity is marked on the panel).You MUST set both front panel gain controls to the same position for bridged operationto work properly. Failure to do this will result in premature current limiting and willproduce less power than is produced in non bridged mode's.Again a word of CAUTION: Yorkville's own high power speaker systems have circuitbreaker protection built in. Although they may shut down, they are unlikely to bedamaged by a bridged AUDIOPRO 3000. However, many other speaker manufactur-ers make high power cabinets with no protection features whatsoever. Yorkville Sound LTD. is not responsible for any damage which may result as a consequence ofexceeding such a speaker's power handling capability. In any case, Yorkville's two yearunconditional warranty does not cover any consequential damages to other equip-ment. Please consider these facts carefully before you choose to run your AUDIOPRO3000 in bridged mode.


The AUDIOPRO 3000 features a specially designed subsonic filter which effectivelytransfers the wasted energy from the band below 30 Hz to the band between 35 and70 Hz. The filter provides an 18 dB/Oct skirt below 40 Hz and a 3.6 dB boost at 50 Hz.This is achieved with a five pole network designed to minimize phase shift down to 40Hz. We recommend using this filter in conjunction with most subwoofers and with highpower full range cabinets. Engaging this filter immediately produces the perception ofa better "bottom end", while excessive and possibly damaging excursions of thespeaker cone are restrained.


The PROTECT LED will glow steadily if the Energy Management System is activated.In the event of a shorted load or a load which is of too low an impedance for the amplifierto handle, (less than 2 ohms), the PROTECT LED will flash alternately on and off atabout one second intervals. The sound may come on and off at the same rate. In thiscase, the fault in the speakers or the speaker cables should be located and remedied.No reset of the AUDIOPRO 3000 is required to restore proper operation.The AUDIOPRO 3000 is fully protected against all possible passive load conditions. Itcan operate with a "dead" short continuously without damage. The output stage usesa unique triple slope VI limiting scheme which is sophisticated enough to remain inertduring transient currents in excess of 100 amperes and phase angles of more than 45degrees, yet is capable of protecting the output stage from damage due to accidentalshort circuits and improper loads. (You may have read that current limiting can affectthe sound of an amplifier. Our answer to this is that it only gets in the way of the soundif it is not done properly. In the AUDIOPRO 3000, its done right!)


In the unlikely event of the AUDIOPRO 3000 outputs "going DC", a thyristor circuit willshort the output and divert all potentially harmful currents away from your speakers.


The CLIP LEDS on the front panel are of the pulse stretching type. Any excursionbeyond the dynamic headroom of the amplifier - no matter how short - is trapped andconverted into a visible pulse of light.


The AUDIOPRO 3000 represents a significant advance in the art and science of analogpower amplifier design. It incorporates MOSFETS where they should be used - in thedriver stage where their immunity from secondary breakdown lets them reliably drivebi-polar output devices which can present an essentially capacitive load at highfrequencies. The unique design of the output stage uses four supply voltages. Thisgreatly reduces internal power dissipation. Rather than switching between the varioussupply voltages, the AUDIOPRO 3000 smoothly directs its output stage to the appro-priate supply. The output is free of the "glitches" that plague other multiple supply designs. In fact, due to the proprietary design of the power output section, thediscontinuities visible on the distortion analysis product are much smaller than thosenormally associated with crossover distortion in single supply class AB designs. Thesecircuit advances are clearly reflected in the superior specifications of the AUDIOPRO3000. The AUDIOPRO 3000 may be the first high power amplifier to offer specificationsand sonic performance equal to or surpassing ultra low distortion designs such asclass-A amplifiers.


The AUDIOPRO 3000 is designed and manufactured by Yorkville Sound LTD. Eachunit undergoes a thorough, temperature cycled burn-in period, and each circuit istested by both manual and sophisticated computer controlled equipment which iscapable of identifying any deviation from the design center parameters. The design ofthe AUDIOPRO 3000 is radical in concept but conservative with respect to the powerhandling capabilities of the output devices. The topology guarantees that thermalstress - not secondary breakdown - will set the limits of operation, while the computeroptimized heat dissipation system insures that excessive thermal stress will not occur.Yorkville's reputation as a manufacturer of reliable equipment will be further enhancedby the AUDIOPRO 3000.


The AUDIOPRO 3000 was designed primarily for high power applications. It excelsat driving big systems and subwoofers to their maximum SPL, and its rugged, road-worthy construction ensures that it will keep on doing just that - from location to locationfor years to come.The AUDIOPRO 3000 is not only suitable for use in both heavy duty touring soundreinforcement systems but also when high headroom and ultra-low distortion areneeded to fully reproduce the dynamic range and clarity of today's CD recordings. Thislast point needs emphasis: The AUDIOPRO 3000 will drive 8 Ohm loads with bettersonic purity and lower distortion than any "listening amplifier" we know of, includingthose that cost much much more. And, since the AUDIOPRO 3000 is built to survivegrueling road conditions and constant 2 ohm operation, its reliability in a fixedinstallation running 4 or 8 ohm studio monitors is without parallel.Of course, what really counts is how it sounds. Listeners have commented that theAUDIOPRO 3000 provides the clearest most transparent reproduction they have everheard. You will have to judge for yourself.


POWER:All values are in WATTS at 1KHz, except FTC 20Hz-20KHz.Measurements made with regulated 120 VAC sine wave at line cord.All values are rounded down to the nearest 25 watts.BURST AVG.Measured as a 2 cycle burst at 1KHz, 8:1 duty.(Continuous measurements may require line currents >15 Amps)

LOAD Continuous Each Channel

8 OHMS : 475 Watts

4 OHMS : 750 Watts

2 OHMS : 1200 Watts

CROSS TALK: -75 dB below full power at 1KHz,-60 dB below full power, 20 Hz - 20 KHz.

INPUT IMPEDANCE: 20K ohms balanced, 10 Kohms unbalanced

INPUT SENSITIVITY: 1.4 VRMS sine wave = full power. ( 36 dB gain )

CMRR (bal input): >31 dB 20 Hz - 20 KHz

CONTROLS: Rotary gain, MONO sw, special subsonic filter sw.


FREQUENCY RESPONSE: Within 1dB, 20 Hz to 20 KHz, (50 Hz boost sw out)
